Created by Public Officials for Public Officials.
- Data. Not Opinions.
cashVest allows you to see more, so you can do more.
On average, our platform has helped our clients invest 73% more cash confidently.
- Manage Liquidity With Confidence
Analysis of banking services and fees (where applicable) to ensure an equitable relationship in any market cycle.
Support credit rating(s) – advanced liquidity projections and cash-flow capacity now account for 10% of the framework for ratings.
- cashVest® Is Your Data
Future liquidity forecasting: weekly cash balance projections to create a more accurate and confident cash management strategy; a complement to traditional cash-flow forecasting that allows you to increase the value of taxpayer dollars.
Identification of all cash as a value-generating asset, satisfying the cash-management recommendations of oversight and regulatory agencies.
- Every Dollar Provides Data
A consolidated view of how much cash is available and how long each dollar can work for you before it’s needed – this is the time-horizon of funds.
Marketplace and peer-interest benchmarks, so you can confidently know the value of your cash.
Manage and maximize every tax and tuition dollar spent
Public Sector
Expertly manage Liquidity Data of public funds.
K-12 Districts
Ensure all dollars maximize stakeholder impact.
Higher Education
Prepare for changing
market environments.
Manage and maximize every tax and tuition dollar spent
Public Sector
Expertly manage Liquidity Data of public funds.
K-12 Districts
Ensure all dollars maximize stakeholder impact.
Higher Education
Prepare for changing
market environments.