Where Do I Start?

| November 1, 2016

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Last week I blogged about a big shift of bank deposits to U.S. Treasuries.

Treasuries are safe, collateralized, liquid, and can provide a higher yield when matched correctly to your entity’s liquidity needs.

For those who have never purchased a Treasury or don’t even know where to start, there are several great resources to get you on the right path.

The Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA)—at both the state and national levels—provides very useful guides on this topic.

Where Do I Start?

A more in-depth and hands-on approach that you may consider is the Fixed Income Academy (www.fixedincomeacademy.com). They offer a more structured program designed for public finance officers in how best to manage the public’s cash. They have national renowned speakers and a certification program that will position one well in managing public funds in today’s topsy-turvy marketplace.

If you want personal professional support, a Register Investment Advisor (RIA) can be invaluable provided he or she specializes in the management of public funds.

As you consider these options, please feel free to call three+one. We are independent of all banks and RIAs so we can provide you with a clear and unbiased perspective as you seek better management of your day-to-day cash flow.


We Hope to See You at Our Upcoming Presentation:

Northeast GFOA Holiday Seminar – December 13th in Troy, NY

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