As Peter, Garrett, and I travel across the country speaking at various conferences, we ask public entities of all sizes, “How will your cash position in 2017 end?” The answers we’ve heard so far were:
a.) Red
b.) Black
c.) No change
d.) I have no idea
By an overwhelming majority, the responses were “in the black.”
This is big news and we’re one of the first, if not the first in the country, to be reporting this.
Most public entities will end up with higher cash balances this year than last. This tells me that the underpinnings of the U.S. economy are improving, despite news reports of anemic growth.
The signs are encouraging. Larger cash balances should be considered an opportunity that should not go unnoticed or wasted.
With higher short-term interest rates as the new trend, the ability to capture a new stream of income on higher cash balances means more money to an entity’s bottom line.
At three+one, we can help entities like yours identify operating and non-operating cash reserves and the level of cash that can be used to achieve higher deposit or investment rates through banks or Register Investment Advisors.
With more cash, you can bring more money to your bottom line. The next couple of years will be a time to budget more income thanks to healthier cash balances. You just have to take advantage of the opportunity that exists.
See Us At These Upcoming Events and Conferences:
Ohio GFOA – September
GFOA SC – October
PA GFOA – October