The threeplusone Difference

| August 21, 2018

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The most important factor in any relationship is trust. The threeplusone team earns the trust of its clients because of our unique role as an independent liquidity-data provider. This term may be unfamiliar to many people, so we chose to break it down in this week’s blog and showcase how threeplusone is different from banks and investment advisors.

Let’s start with liquidity-data provider. When public and higher Ed finance officials have the necessary data to ensure every dollar is valued appropriately in the marketplace, the increased savings and earnings are truly impressive.

The threeplusone Difference

The threeplusone Difference

The application of time-horizon data makes certain that all funds are earning their maximum allowable yield without sacrificing safety or liquidity. The data provided by threeplusone answer the challenging questions “How much?” and “For how long?” with statistically supported figures that ensure an entity is managing its liquidity in the most effective manner. This kind of information is only available through threeplusone’s liquidity analyses; it’s not offered by investment advisors or banks.

Another attribute that makes threeplusone unique is the fact that we do not take fiduciary or manage funds. Our proven track record in the public and higher Ed marketplace continues to prove there’s a value in having an independent firm that works solely to benefit the entity—not outside stakeholders—in achieving higher levels of savings and greater revenue.

When threeplusone provides time-horizon data, clients can be confident that each recommendation is quantitatively based and customized to each entity to help ensure that every dollar of taxpayer money is earning an appropriate value, allowing for more savings on treasury services, and earning a higher level of yield, dependent on the entity’s specific liquidity requirements.

Our goal is to help ensure that every dollar of taxpayer money is earning its appropriate value, whether it is on deposit at a bank, managed within an investment-advisory firm, or held in custody on behalf of the entity.

This type of relationship differentiates threeplusone from other financial providers. We are able to bring a completely objective outlook to all cash-management decisions because we do not collect fees based on the placement of funds. At threeplusone, our interests are completely and properly aligned with those of our clients; we have no incentive to have cash move in any specific direction.

This is why threeplusone is considered to be an independent liquidity-data provider.

Taxpayers are the true beneficiaries of the data that threeplusone provides to public entities and higher Ed institutions. We are not beholden to any interest other than theirs.

Now you know the threeplusone difference.

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