The most important resolution for threeplusone® in 2019 will be to make a difference for the public entities and higher Ed institutions we serve.
This year, we’ll strive to help such entities across America generate over $100 million in new interest income as a result of our working with them. These are new dollars that would not have been realized were it not for threeplusone’s liquidity analysis and data services being applied in identifying all cash as a revenue-generating asset.
This difference can mean so much and do good for those who public entities and higher Ed institutions serve.
So what are these differences, you may ask? Just consider a potential top 10:
• Lowering taxes or tuition costs
• Filling a budget gap
• New capital purchases
• A new playground
• New emergency vehicles
• New hires
• Additional police or firefighters
• Reducing OPEB obligations
• New technology purchases/enhanced infrastructure
• Covering the increase costs of healthcare
These are changes that can come by making all your cash work harder than ever in the interest of those you serve.
It is the mission, passion, and moral obligation of the threeplusone team to make a difference to those who serve in public entities and higher education and, in turn, to those they serve.
One thing is clear: $100 million can make a real difference in 2019. The money is there to be realized, especially for your entity and community.