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Leading By Example

| June 11, 2019

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by Tyler Frame

Lycoming County, Pennsylvania is located approximately 130 miles northwest of Philadelphia and is the largest county in the state by land area. It has a population of approximately 113,000, and its county seat, Williamsport, is the birthplace of Little League Baseball. Lycoming County is divided by the Appalachians and is beautified by rivers, creeks, and watersheds. As gorgeous as the landscape in this county is, what makes it such an incredible place is the people; they are kind, hardworking, professional, and the county officials are true public servants.

With the partnership and collaboration of the county’s Commissioners, Director of Administration, Fiscal Services, Treasurer’s Office, and the Controller’s Office, the county has made cashVest® by three+one® an integral part of its liquidity monitoring responsibilities. All officials have made earnings and savings a priority for the taxpayers’ cash. When asked about the importance of the cashVest® program, Matthew McDermott, Director of Administration, stated: “Counties have a myriad of responsibilities and functions they carry out to serve their residents.  Lycoming County recognized that it did not possess the in-house capability or expertise to effectively monitor and conduct the analysis of its liquidity, so we turned to three+one® to make the most out of our cash.”   

During the county’s initial cashVest® period (January 2017 – December 2017), the county was focused on investing its available cash. With an annual budget of nearly $103 million, the county earned $603,165 in interest during that initial 12-month period.

Over the last 12 months, Lycoming County used liquidity data, technology, and treasury services and is on track to earn no less than $2.1 million in interest—an increase of over 248%. “I’m here to do everything I can for the Lycoming County taxpayers. This program has increased our collaboration with the county’s banks and has provided valuable data that the Treasurer’s Office uses,” says County Treasurer Connie Rupert. 

The question your entity should be asking is this: Would such an increase in interest income/savings benefit your taxpayers? Whether it helps fund a new capital project, hire an additional staff member, increase wages for current staff, pay down debt services, or something else, the answer must be an emphatic ‘Yes!’

Lycoming County officials have done an outstanding job utilizing three+one®’s data and analytics to maximize the potential of its cash in the following ways:

● Allowing 100% of funds to provide value to the county by having equitable banking relationships.

● Increasing liquidity proficiency by ensuring its cash is taking advantage of time-horizon data.

● Maximizing the rates earned on all cash through market statistics.

● Optimizing cash flow through banking technologies and account-balance optimization.

These steps have all led to providing the greatest value to the county’s taxpayers. The county is now earning over 3% of its total tax revenue from interest income and savings on an annual basis, creating a new stream of revenue which the county will use to mitigate tax increases.

By taking advantage of three+one®’s independent and objective analytics, you can be certain that all opportunities to earn more will be achieved. Just remember that Lycoming County is earning in excess of $150,000 in interest income and savings each month.

Let three+one® provide your entity with the tools it needs to prosper, just like we’ve done for Lycoming County.

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