Statistical proof can only be verified by reliable data. If you have verifiable data, you can have confidence in the decisions you make using that data.
Liquidity analysis and data can provide transparency and confidence in one’s cash levels, not only what had occurred in the past, but also can help predict with accuracy what cash levels should be in the future.
Just imagine having had that level of information before and throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Would you have made any different decisions?
Liquidity data provides transparency, confidence in decision making, velocity, and delivers peace of mind during periods of uncertainty.
cashVest® by three+one® is the liquidity analysis tool that gives public entities and higher Ed institutions the statistical proof they need to make sound decisions—in good times and hard times.
Below is a convenient instant-replay of a webinar generously hosted by our partners at NACo. Once seeing for yourself the value of cashvest for public entities, contact us to learn more.
Using Liquidity Data to Outpace Benchmarks
*This showcase of Westmoreland County, PA does not constitute an endorsement by the county or its representatives.
**This webinar was generously hosted by National Association of Counties (NACo) as part of a joint-partnership and valued relationship with three+one®.