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It’s happening all over again, just like in the movie “Groundhog Day.” Short-term interest rate indicators are going back up.

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three+one Groundhog Day GraphicIt’s happening all over again, just like in the movie “Groundhog Day.” Short-term interest rate indicators are going back up. The story is playing itself out all over again, as it did pre-COVID. The bond market is like the movie trailer, telling you that short-term interest rates are on the rise, and are headed to be over 1.0% this year.

As a financial professional who oversees more cash than the historic average, the weight is on your shoulders to put your cash to work as an asset with your financial institution(s). Now is the time for you to direct and determine the outcome of the movie, rather than just be a spectator on the sideline.

But before you do anything, the question you must ask yourself is: “Do I have the accurate liquidity data I need to determine how much cash I actually have on hand to invest, whether in one bank account or in dozens scattered among several banks?”

Remember when money market/deposit rates were over 2.50%? They were back in February 2020. It’s about to play out again.

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