What is the number in new revenue that would cause you to stop and consider a liquidity-management strategy?

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Budgets, payables, receivables, reports, public hearings, board meetings, audits; the cycle is constant and never ending.  That is the life of a public-finance official.

three+one math zach galifianakisGiven all your daily priorities, what is the number in new revenue that would cause you to stop and consider a liquidity-management strategy that’s worth the effort?

That number may vary from entity to entity. For some, any level of additional income would spur action, but for others, the required thresholds may be much higher.

No matter what that number may be for your entity, it will be much higher in 2022. It could be in the thousands or even in the millions of dollars in new revenue as short-term interest rates rise.

One thing of which you can be sure: it will be a number that will get the attention of your taxpayers.

The team at three+one has the liquidity-management tools that can help you get the highest returns on all cash. To learn more about cashVest® and what it can do for you, click here.

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