The liquidity analysis and data services provided by three+one® are pure, accurate, and impartial, and have led to new and substantial sources of revenue and savings for public entities and higher Ed institutions all across America, now totaling over $1,000,000,000.
We are not a money manager, bank, or a broker dealer. We sell no products. Our data analysis is a collection of pure historic financial transaction data that allows public finance officials to have confidence that every tax dollar that is available for investment is invested through their financial institutions, based on our proprietary cashVest® time-horizon and forward forecast liquidity data.
It’s clear that short-term interests are going to continue to rise throughout 2023. Currently every $10 million of investment is generating a new revenue stream of $450,000. These funds can be used to offset inflation costs; pay for more teachers, staff, and frontline emergency workers; purchase needed equipment, and much more.
When properly identified, cash can become a powerful revenue-generating asset — an important asset not to be overlooked in 2023.