New Year. New Features.

| February 14, 2023

The cashVest portal has improved tools & insights. You spoke. We listened.

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You will notice new features coming to your cashVest® portal. You spoke, and we listened. Our goal is to exceed your expectations, so these enhancements will help you and your team maximize the value of your liquidity with more confidence and greater ease.

Within the cashVest portal, you can now:

  • Input investments directly into cashVest allowing you to see a complete list of investments at any time.
  • Export a list of your investments and accounts for easy tracking and record-keeping.
  • View a timeline of investment maturities in an easy-to-understand graphic format.

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  • Receive notifications of upcoming maturities from the cashVest portal. This is the kind of information that will keep you up to date on maturing investments and get more from your cashVest data.

Login to today and experience these new features.

Have questions? Contact us today!

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