You have the “power” to generate more revenue on all your cash with the fuel of liquidity analysis & data.

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A voice of reason and rational thinking is the core basis of great government policy, especially in providing the best of services at a reasonable cost. The idea of moving from fossil fuels to exclusively electric sources of energy, powered by fossil fuels plus such alternative sources as wind and solar, does not fit the description of a reasonable or rational approach going forward. And will make it virtually impossible for public entities to financially balance their budgets.

three+one-Electrifying-Liquidity-with-cashVestBetween federal, state, and local mandates, the cost of electric and alternative energy sources cannot be put on the backs of taxpayers, coupled with their existing tax burdens. Consider the following example: the cost to bring New York State alone up to 100% electric compliance is conservatively estimated at $3.0 trillion! That’s a whopping 15 times the state’s annual budget.

Now imagine putting similar burdens on the other 49 states; there is simply no way it could work. Especially in the relatively short—and unreasonable—time span that is being widely discussed.

While you may not be able to control unreasonable and unsustainable mandates, you can directly “electrify” your entity’s liquidity and invest it in such a way to offset mandates. Remember you have the “power” to generate more revenue on all your cash, with the fuel of liquidity analysis & data, which could mean the difference between a tax increase or tax decrease.

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