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Before and After: Getting a Clear Picture of County Finances Amidst COVID-19

| December 10, 2020

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As a proud partner of NACo, three+one jointly presented a webinar with the National Association of Counties on navigating public finances in the wake of the pandemic. COVID-19 has left its mark on 2020, and its impact on your county’s liquidity position is likely to last past 2020. New data opportunities allow your county the opportunity to explore how to best maximize the value on all taxpayer dollars after the COIVD-19 pandemic using liquidity analysis. This webinar will focus on how to get a clear picture of your liquidity needs, and how to use data to communicate those needs to internal stakeholders, external stakeholders, and financial providers.

An on-demand recording of this important webinar:

In this webinar you will discover how to:
-Investigate the impacts of an economic shock on your county’s liquidity position.
-Forecast liquidity to plan for different scenarios in 2021.
-Learn how to use liquidity analysis.
-Evaluate financial partners to maximize value for the taxpayers.
-Use data to share your county’s changing financial picture with stakeholders.

The information deck from the webinar:


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