Liquidity Analysis Holds the Key

| October 25, 2017

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$20,000 to over $430,000
$50,000 to over $800,000
$7,000 to over $57,000
$45,000 to over $540,000
it goes on and on….

The proof is in the bottom-line results. Time and time again, the financial success stories we have reported were due to well-structured liquidity analyses.

Liquidity Analysis Holds the Key

Over the last 23 years, our team has been a pioneer in performing liquidity analyses for public entities and higher Ed institutions. Using our proprietary model, we are able to identify all levels of cash and ensure every last dollar is recognized as a revenue-generating asset.

Will liquidity analysis lead to greater interest earnings? The answer is without hesitation “yes.”

Since three+one is not a bank, financial advisor, or registered investment advisor, we work differently. Our analytical approach identifies patterns of your cash and considers a time horizon. We then determine a marketplace value on all levels of your cash. At that point the data is yours to share with your financial institutions. Using it, they can help you achieve higher yields—while adhering to all legal, safety, and liquidity guidelines.

The difference can add up in the tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars a year.

A liquidity analysis is not something you do once. Nor is it just an annual practice. Rather it requires a disciplined and independent perspective that you will want to live by.

If you have followed our blogs, you have seen how liquidity analysis can be the key to earning more on your cash. Together with your financial institutions and advisors, you will simply earn more on your cash. That’s the very definition of “win-win.”

The first step to a profitable liquidity analysis is your call three+one. You’ll see how stress free and easy we make the entire process, not only for you but for your financial partners as well.

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