
The latest news in the world of cashVest®. 

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You’re Not Alone…

When turning on your computer to realize your organization is locked out, and systems & information have been hacked, you need NACo's cybersecurity help.
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And the Winner is?

three+one® is very proud to learn of the selection of Maria Walls, Treasurer of Beaufort County, SC, as a recipient of the 2020 NACo Achievement Award.
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Within These Four Walls

Who would have ever thought that the four walls within our own home would be the office, not just for a day or two, but ...
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5 Key Benefits of Liquidity Analysis

A comprehensive liquidity analysis by cashvest® provides essential short & long-term benefits to your entity. Here are 5 key benefits provided by cashvest®.
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Liquidity Is Like an Iceberg

“Liquidity”’ is the cash that is sitting in those numerous bank accounts, in many cases going largely unnoticed on a day-to-day basis.
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Communication is Critical

Critical messaging & timely information is necessary given the COVID-19 crisis. At three+one® we've partnered with Steven James to make that happen.
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Your Voice Matters! Tell Congress to Support Local Governments

Read about NACo's important We Are Counties Initiative & urge your member of Congress to provide direct aid to local governments in COVID-19 legislation.
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The FinTech Revolution

Public entities & higher-ed institutions will continue to see the rise of Artificial Intelligence, not only with their constituents and students, but also with their ...
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Liquidity Data as a Budget Tool

One major tool that can be a helpful guide in determining a budget cycle is the liquidity data that are at your own fingertips.
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Rise of the Chief Data Officer

When budgets are strained, especially given today's state of the economy, cashvest® is the Chief Data Officer you need on your side.
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Directly From Those We Serve…

Putting cashvest® data to work now has an added benefit. Over the months to come, your office will be able to utilize the data received ...
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Managing Public Finance During COVID-19

The after-effects of COVID-19 for public entities will be difficult, but help is here. Our partners at NYSAC recommend these steps, including cashvest®.
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