
The latest news in the world of cashVest®. 

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Missing Out On $1,200 Or More Per Day

For all public entities, 2023 should be the year to reconsider what a powerful asset cash can be. It’s no longer a luxury to invest ...
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Working To Better Communities — Including Our Own

Bettering every community we touch with our innovative financial technology is in our firm’s DNA.
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three+one Team Photo Jan 2023

Our Commitment to DEI

At three+one, we know that equitable employers outpace industry benchmarks by respecting the unique needs, perspectives, and potential of all their team members.
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The Delta Factor

The gap, or “delta,” between passively managing those funds vs. using active liquidity management often averages 1.5% to 2.0%.
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NYSAC Podcast: 2023 Economic Forecast

On this week's episode of NYSAC's County Conversations podcast, CEO Joe Rulison provides a financial outlook and predictions for county leaders in 2023.
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What We Are Not

Our data analysis allows public finance officials to have confidence that every tax dollar that is available for investment is put to use.
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Happy New Year three+one

Happy New Year 2023

We wish you a happy, healthy & prosperous new year!
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Happy Holidays 2022

From all of us at three+one, thank you for your partnership in 2022. We wish you a happy, healthy holiday season & a prosperous new ...
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cashvest three+one 2023 Outlook Predictions

cashVest 2023 Predictions

CEO Joseph Rulison offers his annual predictions for the financial & economic outlook in 2023 along with insights on how that will affect public entities.
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three+one cashVest Understand the Time Commitment

Understanding the Time Commitment

Armed with YOUR data, not opinions, cashVest allows you to see more, so you can do more with your cash.
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Important Pieces Of the Puzzle

cashVest® by three+one® takes all the guesswork out of managing your day-to-day and long-term liquidity and fills in all the blank spaces.
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three+one Extension of Your Team

We Are An Extension Of Your Team

We act as an extension of your team to share the workload and ease the challenges of financial management in our ever changing environment.
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